
Sexual exploitation

CALACS L’Ancrage believes that women’s bodies should not be for sale. It is working toward a society where sexual exploitation does not exist, where selling your body is not an option. The solution? Decriminalizing teenage girls and women who are in prostitution so that they can have tools and services, while criminalizing clients, procurers and so on. The organization believes that a world without prostitution is possible.

CALACS L’Ancrage welcomes all women who are experiencing or have experienced sexual exploitation in all its forms, by offering listening and tools to help them work on the consequences this may bring about (emotional confusion, guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, disempowerment, mistrust, conflict, low self-esteem, sexual problems, and more).

What is sexual exploitation?

Sexual exploitation is a form of sexual violence. It is “a practice by which one or more people obtain sexual gratification, financial benefit or other advancement by abusing the sexuality of a person or group of people, thus infringing on their rights to dignity, equality, autonomy and physical and mental well-being.” [i]

Sexual exploitation presents itself in a range of forms, including prostitution, escorting services, strip clubs, pornography, erotic massage and more.

A job like any other? No! [1]

  • The vast majority of prostituted women consume drugs or alcohol to be able to do it.
  • Prostituted women have a level of post-traumatic stress as high as people in the military.
  • The majority of women in prostitution have experienced repeated physical violence, including sexual assault, being hit, and suffering serious injuries (fractures, hemorrhage, concussion). Some have even been killed.
  • The average age of death for women in prostitution is 34, and their mortality rate is 40 times higher than the Canadian average.
  • The average age for entry into prostitution is 14–15 in Canada.
  • Nearly 75% of teenage girls and women in prostitution are between ages 13 and 25.
  • The majority of teenage girls and women in prostitution experienced childhood sexual violence (85%).
  • Many of them (92%) would like to leave prostitution.

[1] Translation of an excerpt from: Conseil du statut de la femme. 2012. La prostitution : il est temps d’agir, Québec : Conseil du statut de la femme.