

To help end sexual violence, members have the opportunity to take action that leads to social change, to learn and to choose from a diverse range of activities in which they can take part. Here are the various committees at CALACS L’Ancrage.

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors plays the decision-making role and oversees the sound management of human and financial resources while ensuring that we respect the mission and orientations defined at the annual general meeting. Among other things, the Board:

  • administers finances;
  • prepares budget forecasts;
  • fills in for vacations within the Board of Directors;
  • accepts and expels members;
  • represents the organization when dealing with the government, the media, community organizations and the general public;
  • hires and establishes working conditions for workers;
  • determines policies and ensures they are respected;
  • takes all other actions deemed pertinent to the effective operation of the organization.

Any active or honorary member can be elected to the Board of Directors at the annual general meeting.

Rights Committee

The Rights Committee meets several times a year to organize awareness-raising activities, such as the commemoration of the Polytechnique massacre and some of the actions taken on International Women’s Day. As well, the activists create an action each year for the Day of Action on Sexual Violence Against Women. The committee is made up of six to eight activists and at least one counsellor.

Community Life Committee

The Community Life Committee focuses on members’ and activists’ sense of belonging by organizing at least one celebration each year to recognize activists. The committee is made up of two workers and three to four activists.

To submit a request to join a committee, click here (in French only).